after the legs i moved onto the arms.
i started with the upper arm as i knew the sholder would be the hardest joint to do correctly. after making changes for over a hour i decided that it was as good as i was going to get it.

this is the only occation that the joint deformed unnaturally. so i will have to work around this when i do my animation.
looking at my storyboard i cant see that there is any points where the waggoner will raise his arms above sholder hight so shouldnt be a problem

i then worked on the lower arm.
the most difficult part of this was getting the balance between the hand and the arm at the wrist.
i ended up havning full influence on the wrist up to the point where the t-shirt starts to go back inside to create the sleave

i then had full influence in the hand/palm to the hand bone and this worked fine if the joint isnt rotated too much

i didnt want to make the skining of the fingers too complicated so i skinned all the fingers excluding the thumb to the middle finger which worked quite well.
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